This app generates a list of numbers based on a user-defined range of numbers ("starting value" and "ending value"). The app then highlights and renames the numbers on the list that are divisible by the user-defined values for FIZZ and BUZZ.

For example, if FIZZ = 3 and BUZZ =5 , all numbers that are divisible by 3 will be highlighted and replaced by the word "FIZZ" while all numbers that are divisible by 5 will be highlighted and replaced by the word "BUZZ." However, if a number is divisible by the values of FIZZ AND BUZZ, that number will be highlighted and replaced by the word "FIZZBUZZ."

How to use

Type one number into each input and click "GENERATE."

Please make sure that your starting value is a lesser value than your ending value.

Enter a Range of Numbers

Pick a Fizz, Choose a Buzz